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Dowlais Top Station 

Merthyr Tydfil

This station was approx half way between Newport and Brecon on the B&M railway.

<Click on the photograph to see a larger version>

Dowlais Top Station. The Station house still stands today.    

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In 2002

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Dowlais Top Station - May 1955

(Photograph by N.L.Browne, courtesy of David Lewis)

Dowlais Top Station.

In the distance is the site of Harry Williams' scrapyard.


Dowlais Top Station - 24th February 1962

(Photograph Courtesy of Richard Parry)


Dowlais Top Signal Box. 1948.

The road on the left leads to Pengarnddu.


Dowlais Top Station - 12.10 Brecon to Newport - 14th July 1962

(Photograph Courtesy of Richard Kite)

Dean Goods, No 2407 for Pant - Hauling Ammonia Tanks for the I.C.I Dowlais factory

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Leaving Dowlais Top Station on it's way to Newport.

Dowlais Top Station looking towards Merthyr.

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Dowlais Top-Engineers Inspection Train.

(The top of slip road just visible to left of the lamp)

(Photograph by Nick Leek, Abergavenny. Courtesy of G. Johnson)

DowlaisTop_57XX_WithInspectionSaloon_July1954.JPG (88640 bytes)

This is the OTHER Dowlais Top Station on the Abergavenny line.It was located approx 300 yds east of the BP petrol station. The aquaduct you see in the picture still stands today

DowlaisTop_LNWR_A465ToLeftJPG.JPG (110492 bytes)

During the Heavy snows of the 1947 winter the RAF sent two Gloster Whittle Jet engines mounted on a railway truck, to be used in an attempt to clear snow from the railway lines.


Pathe News have a film clip of this experiment and you can see it by

CLICKING HERE: http://www.britishpathe.com/record.php?id=55007


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If so, please contact us, by clicking Contact Us.