Merthyr Tydfil Area
Scouts, Cubs, Brownies & Guides |
1st Merthyr Scouts annual
camp at Gilwern. Sept 2nd 1922.
(From Police
Sergeant Percy Botting's Scrapbook) |
![](Images_D-H/FirstMerthyrScoutsGroup_BoyScouts_MerthyrLad'sCamp_L.Bottingimg_JohnMorgan_PearsonsFreshAirFund_Sept.2nd1922_small.jpg) |
Treharris Brownies -
Approx 1974
Courtesy of Gareth Evans) |
![](Images_A-C/Brownies_Treharris_1974c_GarethEvans_small.jpg) |
Treharris Brownie Pack's
Brown Owl's Wedding - 1950's
Back Row
L-R: Elizabeth
Hilbourne, Linda Rees, Sheila Watkins, Catherine Morrison, Yvonne
Williams, Sharon Luckwell, Gaynor Jones & ?
Front Row
L-R: Kathleen Ashman,
Lynne Lock, Ann Rees, Lynn Day, Dianne Griffiths, Groom, Bride, Elenor
Challenor (Post Master's Daughter),
Mari Jenkins, Laura Watkins, Jane Birrel & Tanya Jones.
Courtesy of Catherine Morrison)
![](e-comon/Images_Q-T/Treharris_BrowniePacksBrownOwlsWedding_1950s_CatherineMorrison_small.jpg) |
Mayor Gareth Foster Visits
the Quar Church Brownies
(From the
Merthyr Express) |
![](e-comon/Images_Q-T/QuarChurchBrownies_GarethFosterMayor_small.jpg) |
Quar Brownies - 1987
Courtesy of Pam Jenkins) |
![](e-comon/Images_Q-T/QuarBrownies_1987_PamJenkins_small.jpg) |
Guides and Scouts Parade
Courtesy of Robert Thomas ex West Grove) |
![](Images_I-M/MerthyrTydfil_Parade_Penydarren_RobertThomas_Slides_small.jpg) |
6th Merthyr Tydfil
Salvation Army Guides - Dedication of the Flag -
May 1973
Back Row:-
Major Ablett, Mary Ablett, Pam Brill.
Third Row:-
Gill Thomas, Sandra everson, Susan Hewitt. -FLAG- ?, Dorothy Burns.
Row:- ?, ?, ?, -FLAG- Sian Jones.
Front Row:-
?, ?, ?, ?, ?.
courtesy of Dorothy Burns) |
![](Images_A-C/6thMerthyrTydfilGuideCompany_DedicationOfFlag_May1973_GillThomas_DSCF0073Crop__small.jpg) |
Treharris Girl Guides -
Approx 1974
Courtesy of Gareth Evans) |
![](Images_D-H/GirlGuides_Treharris_1974c_GarethEvans_small.jpg) |
Merthyr Rangers in
Switzerland - 1984
Back Row
L-R: Annette Callaghan,
Lesley ?,
Sian Jones, Kathryn Spurle, Melanie Williams (nee Jenkins) and Sarah
Front Row
L-R: Allison Prosser, Sian Roderick and
Ruth ?.
Courtesy of Pam Jenkins) |
![](Images_I-M/MerthyrRangersInSwitzerland.1984_PamJenkins_small.jpg) |
10th Merthyr Cubs & Scouts
from Dowlais
Second row
first on the left is Peter Davies, next to Peter is Robert Lewis.
Courtesy of Peter Davies) |
![](Images_D-H/Dowlais_10thCubs&ScoutsfromDowlais_PeterDavies_small.jpg) |
10th Merthyr Cubs
In the middle
of the front row is Nigel Alderson.
Courtesy of Nigel Alderson) |
![](Images_A-C/Cubs_MerthyrTydfil_10thMerthyrCubs_NigelAlderson_small.jpg) |
Boy Scouts marching down Albert Street, probably 1950s, the Market
Hall in the background. |
![](e-comon/Images_Q-T/Town_AlbertStreet_Scouts__small.jpg) |
Bill Williams - Scout
Bill was of the
Gwynnes Arms
and manager of Barclays Bank, Merthyr Tydfil. He is pictured with his
two sons William (Bill) and Clifford.
Courtesy of Phillip Williams) |
![](Images_I-M/MerthyrTydfilScouts_BillWilliams_GwynnesArmsandBarclaysBank_PhillipWilliams_small.jpg) |
High Street Chapel Hall - Chapel Street - Boy Scouts |
![](Images_A-C/ChapelStreet_HighStreetChapelHall_BoyScouts_small.jpg) |
Treharris Cubs - Approx
Courtesy of Gareth Evans) |
![](Images_A-C/Cubs_Treharris_1974c_GarethEvans_small.jpg) |
Cubs - Silver Jubilee Parade
At the front in the brown pullover
is Lyn Ford ( Baloo) to the rear in the brown coat is Rosie
Jones (Bagheera), next to her is Norah Ford - Lyn Fords wife (Arkalah)
(Photograph Courtesy of Taff Jones) |
Cubs - Silver Jubilee Parade
(Photograph Courtesy of Taff Jones) |
![](Images_A-C/Cubs_MerthyrTydfil_JubileeParade_01_TaffJones_small.jpg) |
![](Images_A-C/Cubs_MerthyrTydfil_JubileeParade_02_TaffJones_small.jpg) |
Market Square
Courtesy of Pam Jenkins) |
![](Images_I-M/MarketSquareBrownies_1980s_PamJenkins_small.jpg) |
3rd Merthyr (High Street)
Scouts Group. At Morlais Castle 1975.
Courtesy of Elwyn Jones) |
![](e-comon/Images_Q-T/Scouts_3rdMerthyr(HighStreet)ScoutGroup_1975_AtmorlaisCastle_img927_ElwynJones_small.jpg) |
3rd Merthyr (High Street)
Scouts Group. At the rear of High Street Chapel. 1975.
Courtesy of Elwyn Jones) |
![](e-comon/Images_Q-T/Scouts_3rdMerthyr(HighStreet)ScoutGroup_1975_img923_ElwynJones_small.jpg) |
3rd Merthyr (High Street)
Scouts Group. Winter Hike. 1975-76.
Courtesy of Elwyn Jones) |
![](e-comon/Images_Q-T/Scouts_3rdMerthyr(HighStreet)ScoutGroup_WinterHike_1975-6_img926_ElwynJones_small.jpg) |
3rd Merthyr (High Street)
Scouts Group. Dolygaer Hike. 1976.
Courtesy of Elwyn Jones) |
![](e-comon/Images_Q-T/Scouts_3rdMerthyr(HighStreet)ScoutGroup_1976_DolygaerHike_img924_ElwynJones_small.jpg) |
you have any photographs or information relating to the Brownies,
Guides, Cubs & Scouts in Merthyr Tydfil?
so, please get in touch, by clicking the 'Contact Us' button. |
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![](Images_ButtonsEtc/OldMerthyrTydfil_NewBottomBanner.gif) |