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Ray Lewis' Photo Collection

Ray worked at the Ifor Works for 23 years, and has kindly 

supplied the following photographs from his collection.

<click on the picture to enlarge>

Ifor Works, Workforce on the 24th April 1987

Dowlais_IforWorks_Workforce_24-4-87_RayLewis.JPG (1116048 bytes)

Ray's photographs of the last cast at Ifor Works, 22nd of September 1987.

Adding Elcum to the last Ladle.

Casting a last bottom plate.

Dowlais_IforWorks_AddingElcumtolastLadle_RayLewis.jpg (58600 bytes)

Dowlais_IforWorks_CastingAlastbottomPlateatDowlais_RayLewis.JPG (37138 bytes)

Casting last Moulding Box.

Casting last moulds.

Dowlais_IforWorks_Castinglastmouldinbox_RayLewis.jpg.jpg (49981 bytes)

Dowlais_IforWorks_CastingsomeofthelastmouldsatDowlais_RayLewis.jpg.JPG (286323 bytes)

Filling the last Ladle

Dowlais_IforWorks_CastinglastmouldsatDowlais-22Sept1987_RayLewis.JPG (41621 bytes)

Dowlais_IforWorks_FillinglastLadle_RayLewis.jpg.JPG (50941 bytes)

Tapping the last Cast.

Dowlais_IforWorks_FillingoneofthelastladlesofIronatDowlais_RayLewis.jpg.JPG (36736 bytes)

Dowlais_IforWorks_TappingthelastCast_22Sept1987_RayLewis.JPG (48622 bytes)

Teaming  hot Iron into the Ladle.

Dowlais_IforWorks_TeamingHotIronintoladle_2_RayLewis.jpg.JPG (274630 bytes)

Dowlais_IforWorks_TeaminghotIrontoladlefromreceiver_RayLewis.jpg.JPG (161478 bytes)

Transferring moulton Iron.

Dowlais_IforWorks_TeaminglastladlesofIronatDowlais_RayLewis.jpg.JPG (35478 bytes)

Dowlais_IforWorks_TransferringmoltenIronlastcast_Sept-1987_RayLewis.JPG (57403 bytes)

It was a custom years ago that if workers worked on extra hours they were paid in beer cheques.

This is one of the cheques produced specially for the last cast 22nd September 1987.

Dowlais_IforWorks_BeerChequesGivenToWorkersForLastCast_RayLewis.JPG (153453 bytes)

Dowlais foundry on the day it was demolished - June 1988


 The photographs  were taken by Mr Haydn Powell with a small compact
camera from the then lodge by the main gate. The demolition team did not  realise 

how much dust had accumulated over the years.  They started to pull the side down at 

approx 4 pm that day and as you can see there was a fair amount of dust that got 

carried by the wind across the top of Victoria Street and up Pant Road. It was a 

black day for Dowlais in more ways than one.

Dowlais_IforWorks_Foundry_1_RayLewis.jpg (67576 bytes)

Dowlais_IforWorks_Foundry_2_RayLewis.jpg (82164 bytes)

Dowlais_IforWorks_Foundry_3_RayLewis.jpg (78812 bytes)

Dowlais_IforWorks_Foundry_4_RayLewis.jpg (87650 bytes)

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